Monday, October 31, 2016

Thursday and Friday's "Collections Test"

Hi Everyone,

Thursday and Friday we are having a test on all of the skills we have learned so far.  Here is a list of terms you will need to have mastered to do well:

Explicit and Implicit
Author's Purpose
Author's Point of View
Informal vs. Formal Tone

Create a study guide!

Ms. Delicata

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Vocabulary Test

Hi Everyone,

You will have a vocabulary test on the following words on Tuesday and Wednesday:

joust, foster, compulsion, employ, permissible, fortified, conviction, gesture, breach, statute, implicit, reaffirmation, bombardment, resilience, assert, and unity.
Be sure to know all of the meanings of each word, especially if it is a multiple meaning word. Also, be able to manipulate the word into all of its forms (For instance, Compulsion (Noun) becomes Compulsory (Adj.) depending on how it is used. 
You will be asked for the definitions, tested on your ability to use them in a sentence, and to use them as keys to understanding a complex document.
I highly recommend you use flashcards to study, and practice creating unique sentences that use the words.

Monday, October 10, 2016

New Extra Credit is up!

Fire Project - Extra Credit, October 2016

We Didn't Start the Fire Assignment Guidelines:

In literature and in songs, authors often reference things that happened in history.  These type of references create a deeper meaning in the piece of art.  The song, We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel has over 100 references to history.  First, you must listen to the song and look up the lyrics. Then, you will choose 20 things mentioned in this song and do some basic research on what Billy Joel might have meant by including those topics in his song, We Didn't Start the Fire. You will teach me about those events and people, and what he might be teaching us about the nature of history overall.  This project is due on or before October 27th if you want it to count for grading period 1; If you do not care about that, it is due October 31st.  It will count for 3 grades and is expected to be excellent.  Use your creativity.  Make it fun.  You may choose a format for presenting your information on the topics of your choice and your explanations for why they are included in this song:

  • PowerPoint
  • Google Doc shared with me at
  • Mixbook shared with me as a collaborator (Scrapblog, or other site)
  • Written report (typed, at least a half page on each topic)
  • Literal Scrapbook
  • Any other approved format (Movie Maker, Photo Story, etc.)